Split Payment

The Make A Payment screen undergoes the following changes if the user selects Split Payment from the Payment Type dropdown:

Split Payment Split Payment

The Amount field changes to Total Amount

Total Amount field

Payer Information and Billing Information sections change to Payer Information 1/2 and Billing Information 1/2.

Payment Information 1 Total Amount field

Payment Information 1 Total Amount field

The amount field in Payer Information 2 is automatically calculated by subtracting Payer Information 1's value from Total Amount. The field is disabled so that users cannot change the value.

Disabled amount field in split payment

Clicking upon the Review button, the user is taken to the Review Payment page.

Split Payment Split Payment

Clicking upon the Confirm button, the payments get confirmed.

The Payment Confirmation screen for a split payment looks like the Payment Confirmation screen for a single payment, but has two sections for Payment 1 and Payment 2, as well as two authorization checkboxes and Void, Capture or Refund buttons if the Payment is of SALE.

Split Payment

Updated As Of Version