Email Notifications

Welcome Email

Welcome email received by the user when the System Admin adds a new user.

Welcome Email

Change Password

Email received by the user when the password has been changed.

Change Password

First Time User Regisration

If the user specifies the email address during the first time user registration, then the user will be be notified with an email about this.

First Time User Registration

Forgot Username

When the user retrieves the forgotten Username via email.

Forgot Username

Forgot Password

When the user tries to retrive the forgotten password or want to reset his/her password, an email has been sent to the user with temporary password.

Forgot Password

Invalid Secuirty Answer Attempts

If the user is trying to retrieve password via Forgot Password page and if the user is unable to answer the security questions in 3 attempts, then the user gets locked and an email is sent notifying the same.

Invalid Security Answer Attempts

Invalid Login Attempts

Invlaid Login Attempts

Change Email

When the user changes email address then the user gets notified with the change and receives email to both old and new email address.

Change Email

Edit Security Q&A

When the user resets or updates Security Questions and Answers then an email is sent to the user notifying the same.

Edit Security Questions

Reset Email

When the System Admin resets email of the user at user's request then the user receives a notification.

Reset Email

Generate One Time Passsword

When a one-time password is generated by an System Admin then the user receives a temporary via email.

Generate One Time Password

Reset Password

When the System Admin resets password of the user at user's request then the user receives a notification with temporary password.

Reset password

Reset Security Q&A

When the user's Security Questions & Answers are reset by the System Admin, the user will be notified with an email about the change.

Reset Security Questions

Mobile Number update

When the user edits his/her account like updating mobile number etc., then the user is notified via email.

My Account


Card Not Present Payment:


Card Present Payment:


Split Payment :


Email Recipient

If the user send the payment information to other recipient via email:



When a refund is made to the transaction, both the System Admin who is making the refund and also the user (for whom the refund has been made) will receive emails.

Standlaone Credit Refund


Original Payment Method Refund



User receives an email when the invoice is uploaded, pre-due or if its post-due based on the customer settings.

Invoice Upload

Invoice Upload

Invoice Pre-Due

Invoice Pre Due

Invoice Past-Due

Invoice Past Due

Add Gift Card

An email is sent to the user when a Gift Card has been added.

Add Gift Card

Gift Cards Deactivation

An email has been sent to the user when a gift card has been deactivated.

Gift Card Deactivation

Gift Cards Reactivation

An email has been sent to the user when a gift card has been Reactivated.

Gift Card Reactivation


An email is sent to the user if a transaction is voided.

Void Email Notification


An email is sent to the user when a transaction is captured with the details.

Capture Email Notification

Multi factor Authentication

A One-time passcode is sent to the user's email address when the account/profiles are made and also when email or password is changed.

Multi factor Authentication

Kareo Invoice Notifications

Invoice Available

Invoice Available

Invoice Pre-Due

Invoice Post-Due

Updated As Of Version