Invoice Summary

Invoice Summary screen can be accessed by selecting Invoice Summary link under the Manage Invoices tab in main menu.

This screen allows System Admin to view all the available invoices summary and perform various functions related to Invoices.

The default screen of Invoice Summary looks as follows:

Invoice Summary

When clicked on Show Filters link the available screen filters displays and

The screen contains the following elements:

Invoice Summary

  1. A Hide/Show Filters link that will hide or show the available screen filters
  2. Customer/Patient — Filter drop-down to select from the available Customers/Patients
  3. Invoice/Appointment Number(s) — Field to enter the invoice number(s) as a search criteria
  4. Paid By Username — multi select filter drop-down to select the usernames
  5. Invoice Status — Filter drop-down to select the Invoice Status, options in the list include Credited, Paid, Paid Offline, Unpaid, and Voided
  6. From Date —FIlter field to select the date range of the invoice
  7. To Date — Filter to select the TO Date range of the invoice
  8. Invoice Type — Filter to select the Invoice Type (ex: Adhoc or File Upload)
  9. Reset button to reset the filters to its default values
  10. Filter button to filter the on-screen data based on the selected filter values
  11. A dropdown to change the number of rows displayed in the table
  12. A dynamic search box that will show rows matching the user-entered criteria
  13. Table containing the information of the invoice files uploaded displayed with the following details:
    • S No. — The sequence number of the payment in the table
    • Customer/Patient — Name of the customer along with customer number
    • Invoice Number/Appointment Number — Invoice number/Appointment Number associated with the customer
    • Invoice Date — Date of the Invoice
    • Invoice Amount — Amount of the invoice
    • Invoice Status — Status of the invoices (credited, paid, paid offline, Unpaid, voided, Partiall paid)
    • Due Date — Due date to pay the invoice amount
    • Action — dropdown to perform various functions related to invoices
    • Paid Date — Date when the invoice is paid
    • Paid Amount — Amount of the Invoice paid
    • Paid By — username who paid the invoice
    • Amount Due — Due amount of the invoice
    • Terms — Terms amde to pay the invoice
    • Aging — no. of days, Invoices overdue for payment
    • Customer Type — Customer Type whether Business or Patient
  14. A link when clicked upon takes the user to the Invoice Detail page
  15. Action — Drop-down to pay or to mark the invoice as paid etc.
  16. A pager to go between pages in case there are more rows than what will fit on the screen
  17. Customer Summary — Link, clicking upon which takes the user to the Customer Summary page.



The Action dropdown will not be displayed for the System Admin role user. Depending upon the merchant, the labels may vary ex: customer Number as Account#/MRN, Invoice Number as Appointment Number, Customer Summary as Patient Summary etc.

Irrespective of whether the Partial Payments are allowed or not at the merchant level, the the Action drop-downs looks and works as follows:

Action dropdown of the unpaid invoice row contains the following elements:

Invoice Summary

View — link which takes the user to the Invoice Detail page.
Pay — link which will take the user to Make A Payment screen to pay the invoice where the Amount field is pre-populated with the Invoice Amount and is enabled and the user can edit the value to make a Partial payment.
Send Payment Link Via Email — Link clicking upon which opnes a popup through which the email can be sent to the user to pay the invoice.
Send Payment Link Via SMS — Link clicking upon which opnes a popup through which a text message can be sent to the user to pay the invoice.
Mark as Paid — Button used to select an invoice and mark it as Paid Offline
Mark as Partially Paid — Button used to mark an invoice as Partially Paid Offline. Mark As Voided — Button to void the invoice which is now replaced with an revised invoice. Adjust Balance — Button used to adjust the balance of the invoice.
Write-Off — Button used to write off an invoice.
Download Invoice — Button to download the invoice.
Send Invoice Notification — Button when clicked sends the invoice details to the respective customer/patient via Email and/or SMS and a message displays on the Summary page as below.

Invoice Summary


Clicking upon Pay link in the Action drop-down, the user is taken to the Make A Payment page. The Make A Payment page looks very similar to the original Make A Payment page with the exception that the Invoice Number and Amount fields are pre-filled and it looks as follows:

Make A Payment
Make A Payment

The Merchant Admin role user can pay the invoice for the Customer user through this page by filling out all the required information.
Clicking on Cancel button will take the user back to the Invoice Summary page.

Send Payment Link Via Email

Clicking upon Send Payment Link Via Email link in the Action drop-down, popup opens and contains the following elements:

Send Payment Link Via Email

  1. Subject — Field with the email subject being auto-populated, the user can edit the subject if needed.
  2. Recipient's Email — Field to enter the email address to which the invoice details have to be sent.
  3. Re-enter Recipient's Email — Field to re-enter the email address.
  4. Close — Button to close the popup.
  5. Send — Button which gets enabled after all the required fields are filled and clicking upon which the email will be sent to the user.

Send Payment Link Via SMS

Clicking upon Send Payment Link Via SMS link in the Action drop-down, popup opens and contains the following elements:

Send Payment Link Via Email

  1. Recipient's Mobile Number — Field to enter the mobile number to which the invoice details have to be sent.
  2. Re-enter Recipient's Mobile Number — Field to re-enter the mobile number.
  3. Close — Button to close the popup.
  4. Send — Button which gets enabled after all the required fields are filled and clicking upon which the text message will be sent to the user.

Mark As Paid

When Mark As Paid button is selected, Mark As paid popup opens and contains the following elements:

Mark As Paid

  1. Memo — Field to enter any information of the invoice, and gets displayed on the Invoice detail page.
  2. Close — Button to close the popup and cancel the process.
  3. Submit — Button which gets enabled after filling in the Memo field.

Clicking upon Submit button the user is returned to the Invoice Summary page with a success messsage as below.

Invoice Summary

The Invoice status of the invoice is set as Paid Offline.

Mark As Partially Paid

When Mark As Partially Paid button is selected, Mark As Partially Paid popup opens and contains the following elements:

Invoice Summary

  1. Paid Amount — Field to enter the amount.
  2. Memo — Field to enter any information of the invoice, and gets displayed on the Invoice detail page.
  3. Close — Button to close the popup and cancel the process.
  4. Submit — Button which gets enabled after filling in the required fields.


Paid Amount should always be less than Amount Due.

Clicking on Submit button in the popup the invoice would be marked as Partially Paid Offline and a success message displays as below.

Partially Paid Offline

The Invoice Status will be set as Partially Paid Offline.

Mark As Voided

Mark As Voided feature is used to mark an invoice as Voided as the existing invoice might have been replaced by the new revised invoice.

When Mark As Voided button is selected, Mark As Voided popup opens and contains the following elements:

Mark As Voided

  1. Memo — Field to enter any information of the invoice, and gets displayed on the Invoice detail page.
  2. Close — Button to close the popup and cancel the process.
  3. Submit — Button which gets enabled after filling in the Memo field.

Clicking upon Submit button the user is returned to the Invoice Summary page with a success messsage as below.

Invoice Summary

Adjust Balance

Adjust Balance feature is used to adjust the invoice amount.

When Adjust Balance button is selected, Adjust Balance popup opens and contains the following elements:

Invoice Summary

  1. Amount — Field to enter the amount.
  2. Reason — Field to enter the reason for the balance to be adjusted, and gets displayed on the Invoice detail page.
  3. Close — Button to close the popup and cancel the process.
  4. Submit — Button which gets enabled after filling in the required fields.


The Adjusted Amount must be less than the Amount Due.

Clicking upon the Submit button the user is returned to the Invoice Summary page with the following success message.

Invoice Summary

The Amount Due column shows up with the adjusted amount and the Invoice Amount column value is calculated accordingly.


Write-Off feature is used to write off the invoice.

When Write-Off button is selected, Write-Off popup opens and contains the following elements:

Invoice Summary

  1. Amount — Field with a pre-populated invoice amount. The field is disabled.
  2. Memo — Field to enter the reason for the balance to be adjusted, and gets displayed on the Invoice detail page.
  3. Close — Button to close the popup and cancel the process.
  4. Submit — Button which gets enabled after filling in the required fields.

Clicking upon the Submit button the user is returned to the Invoice Summary page with the following success message and the invoice status of that invoice is set as Written-Off.

Invoice Summary

The Action dropdown of the invoice row which has the status Paid Offline or Voided contains the following elements:

Invoice Summary

Mark as Unpaid— Button when selected opens a popup and contains the following elements:

Invoice summary

  1. Memo — Field to enter any information of the invoice, and gets displayed on the Invoice detail page.
  2. Close — Button to close the popup and cancel the process.
  3. Submit — Button which gets enabled after filling in the Memo field.

Clicking upon Submit button in the popup marks the invoice as unpaid and a success message gets displayed as follows:

Invoice summary

Action drop-down of the Partially Paid Offline invoice looks as below:

Partially Paid Offline Actions

The Action dropdown of the invoice row which has the status as Written-Off contains the following elements:

Invoice Summary

When Undo Write-Off button is selected, Undo Write-Off popup opens and contains the following elements:

Invoice Summary

  1. Amount — Field with a pre-populated invoice amount. The field is disabled.
  2. Memo — Field to enter the reason for the balance to be adjusted, and gets displayed on the Invoice detail page.
  3. Close — Button to close the popup and cancel the process.
  4. Submit — Button which gets enabled after filling in the required fields.

Clicking upon the Submit button the user is returned to the Invoice Summary page with the following success message and the invoice status of that invoice is set as Written-Off.

Invoice Summary

Updated As Of Version 6.0.0