User Management

User Management page can be accessed by selecting User Management link from the Manage Admin menu.

This page allows Admin users to view, add/modify users and perform various actions related to Users'.

The default page looks as follows:

User Summary

When clicked on Show Filters link the page displays with the available filters and

The top portion of the page contains the following elements:

User Summary

  1. Hide Filters — A link that will hide the filters on the page
  2. Role — Drop-down to select the Role, displays with the list as Customer User, Customer Admin, Merchant User, and System Admin.
  3. Status — Drop-down with the list of user status to select from, list includes blank, Active, Deleted, Inactive, Locked, Unlinked
  4. Card Not Present Channel — Drop-down with the list of all available Card Not Present Channel Names
  5. Card Present Channel — Drop-down with the list of all available Card Present Channel Names
  6. Loyalty Status — Drop-down with the list of Loaylty statuses which includes Cancelled, Enrolled, Not Enrolled, Not Interested
  7. Loyalty Tier — Drop-down with the list of available tier levels of Loyalty
  8. Preferred Language — Drop-down to filter the page based on the Merchant's preferred language.
  9. Merchant Name — Drop-down with the list of available Merchants
  10. Customer Name — Drop-down with the list of available Customers
  11. Reset — Button to clear the filters and restore any default values
  12. Filter — Button that will apply the selected filters to data on the page
  13. Dropdown to control how many rows will display on each page
  14. Search — Dynamically search for data in the table


Loyalty Status and Loyalty Tier filter drop-downs won't be displayed if the Loyalty Module is turned OFF at the Merchant level.
Customer Name drop-down won't be displayed if the Invoices Module is disabled at the Merchant level.

The bottom portion of the page contains the following elements:

User Summary

  1. Table with a list of all users
    • S No — The sequence number of the user in the table
    • Username — The username with hyperlink
    • Full Name — Full Name of the user
    • Email — Email address of the user
    • Mobile Number — Mobile number of the user
    • Role Role of the user with respect to VELA application
    • Customer Number — Customer number to which the user belongs to
    • Customer Name — Customer name to which the user belongs to
    • Status — User's status
    • Action — Action dropdown to perform various functions on user
    • Job Title — Job Title of the User
    • Department — Department that the user belongs to.
    • Last Logged in Date/Time — Last logged in date and time of the user to the application
    • Number Of Inactive days — Numebr of days that the user has not been logged into the application.
    • Preferred Language — User's preferred language that has been selected at the time of the user creation
    • Channel Name — Channel name to which the user belongs to
    • Merchant Name — Merchant name to which the user belongs to
    • Max.Allowed Login Days — Column showing the maximum allowed login days set for the user
    • Loyalty Status — Loyalty status of the user
    • Rewards Number — Loyalty rewards number associated to the user
    • Loyalty Tier Level — Tier level of Loyalty to which the user belongs
  2. Username — A link which takes the user to Edit User page
  3. Action — Dropdown to perform various user related actions
  4. A pager that will let the user navigate between pages of users' if there are more than can fit on one page
  5. Add — Button which takes the user to Add User page


In the user table Loyalty Status, Rewards Number and Loyalty Tier Level columns are not displayed if the Loyalty Rewards is disabled.


The Admin user can perform various actions on users' using Action dropdown of a user row in the User Management page.
The Action dropdown of an "Active" user looks as follows:

User Summary

Reset Password

Reset Password page can be accessed by selecting Reset Password in the Action dropdown of a user row. This page allows a System Admin, Merchant Admin, or Customer Admin to reset the password of the selected user.

The page looks as follows:
Reset Password

After entering valid values in the fields clicking upon Save button will reset the user's Password and the System Admin is redirected to the User Management page with a success message.

User Summary

An Email and a Text message will be sent to the User notifying the change of password.


New/Re-enter Password cannot be the current password or one of the last 10 passwords.

Generate Temporary Password

The System Admin, Merchant Admin, or Customer Admin can initiate a trigger so that the application can generate a temporary password for the user by selecting Generate Temporary Password option in the Action dropdown of a user row.

When clicked on Generate Temporary Password an Email and a Text message is sent to the user with a temporary one-time Password, valid for 24 hrs and a message gets displayed in the User Management screen as follows:

User Summary

Reset Email

Reset Email page can be accessed by selecting Reset Email in the Action dropdown of a user row. This page allows a System Admin, Merchant Admin, or Customer Admin to reset the email address of the user.

The page looks as follows:

User Summary

After entering valid values in the fields clicking upon Save button will reset the user's email and the System Admin is taken back to the User Management page with a success message.

User Summary

An Email and a Text message will be sent to the user's existing email address and new email addresses notifying the change.

Clone User

Clone User page can be accessed by selecting Clone from the Action dropdown in a user row. Through this page the system Admin can create a new user by cloning the existing user.
The page looks and behaves very similar to the Add User page with the exception that the Role, Channel values and the Address fields are pre-filled with the original user's information.

Clone User

After the required fields are filled out, clicking upon Save button will create a new user and the Admin user is returned back to the User Management page with a success message.

User Summary

Delete User

System Admin can delete any user role by selecting the Delete option in the Action dropdown of a user row.

Merchant Admin can delete user roles such as Merchant Admin, Merchant User, Customer Admin, and Customer User by selecting the Delete option in the Action dropdown of a user row.

Customer Admin can delete user roles such as Customer Admin, and Customer User by selecting the Delete option in the Action dropdown of a user row.

On click of Delete, Delete User popup appears with Yes and No buttons.

Delete User

Clicking upon Yes button in the popup the selected user gets deleted and a message gets displayed in the User Management page as below:

User Summary

The Action dropdown of the user whose status is Deleted looks as follows:

User Summary

Restore User

The System Admin, Merchant Admin, or Customer Admin can restore a Deleted User by selecting Restore option from the Action dropdown.

When clicked on Restore the user will be restored and once again will become Active and in the User Managementpage a success message gets displayed as follows :

User Summary

Reset Security Q&A

System Admin, Merchant Admin, or Customer Admin can reset security Q&A of a user by selecting Reset Security Q&A option from the Action dropdown. Once the option is selected the security questions and answers of that user are reset to blank and a message gets displayed in the User Management screen as follows:

User Summary

The user gets notified with an Email and Text message about the change.

upon next login the user has to reset his/her Security Q&A.

View Security Q&A

View security questions and answers page can be accessed by clicking View Security Q&A option in the Action dropdown of the user row. The System Admin, Merchant Admin, Or Customer Admin can view the security questions and answers of the selected User and the fields are disabled.

The page is displayed as follows:

View Security Q&A

Clicking upon Close button in the page the System Admin is returned back to the User Management page.

Unlock User

A User gets Locked if he/she enters incorrect username or password in more than 3 attempts. And the user gets notified with an Email and Text Message that his/her account is Locked due to Invalid Login attempts.

The user also gets Locked if he/she is not able to answers the security questions in more than 3 attempts while retrieving the password via Forgot Password process.

The Action dropdown of the user whose Status is Locked looks as follows:

User Summary

Once the Admin user unlocks the user by selecting Unlock option the user gets unlocked and becomes Active and a message gets displayed in the User Management screen as follows:

User Summary

Reactivate User

A User becomes Inactive if he/she is not logged in to the application for more than 180 days.

The Action dropdown of the User whose Status is Inactive looks as follows:

User Summary

The System Admin can reactivate an Inactive user by selecting Reactivate from the Action dropdown and a message gets displayed in the User Management screen as follows:

User Summary

Unlinked User

A User becomes Unlinked if the Channel associated to the user is Deleted.

There will be no Action dropdown of the user whose status is Unlinked, means no user actions can be performed on that user.

User Summary

Actions when Loyalty Rewards is enabled

If the Loyalty Rewards is enabled for the Merchant then in the Action dropdown for the users' whose Loyalty Status is Enrolled then the Action dropdown for the user looks as follows:

User Summary

By selecting Cancel Loyalty from the Action dropdown the User gets cancelled from the Loyalty Rewards and a message gets displayed in the User Management page as follows:

User Summary


For the users' whose Loyalty Status is Cancelled or Not Interested, the Action dropdown is displayed as follows:

User Summary

By selecting Enable Loyalty from the Action dropdown the System Admin or Merchant Admin can enable the Loyalty Rewards for the user and a message gets displayed in the User Management page as follows:

User Summary

Upon next login the Loyalty Enrollment page gets displayed for the Customer User and Customer Admin.

Updated As Of Version 6.0.0