Add Product/Service

Add Product/Service page can be accessed by clicking Add button in the Manage Products/Services page. The Admin role users can create a new Product through this page.

The page contains the following elements:

Add Product

  1. Product Code — Field to enter a unique Product code
  2. Product Name — Field to enter the Product name
  3. Description — Field to enter the descripton of the product
  4. Product Type — Dropdown to select the type of a product
  5. Product Category — Dropdown to select the Product Category
  6. Email Address — Field to enter the email address(s) of point of contact for the respective product
  7. Payment Action — Radio buttons to select the Payment Action of the product(Pre-Authorization or Sale)
  8. Merchant Name — Drop-down to select a Merchant Name for the product
  9. Valid Period — From Date and To Date fields to define a valid range of date for the product
  10. Cost per Unit — Amount field to be entered per unit and Currency dropdown to select the currency
  11. By Quantity — Min. Quantity and Max. Quantity fields to define the minimum and maximum range of quantity of the product
  12. Cancel— Button to cancel the process of adding a Product
  13. Save — Button which is disabled by default

The Save button is disabled until all the required fields are filled out. The Cancel button will take the user back to the Manage Products/Services page without adding a new Product.
Clicking Save will add a new product and the System Admin is returned back to the Manage Products/Services page with a success message.

Product Summary


  1. If the Amount field value is defined at the product level, then the Amount field on the Make A Payment page is auto-populated and is disabled.
  2. The Payment Action for the selected product on the Make A Payment page gets auto selected based on the action selected while adding the product.
  3. If the Product Category is selected Internal, then that Product will be hidden for Guest users and only visible to the Admin role users.

Updated As Of Version 6.0.0