Batch Transactions Menu

Batch Transactions Menu on the navbar contains the following links:

Batch Transactions Menu

  1. Batch Capture, Sale & Refunds — This screen allows the System Admin to capture the payments for a given Payment Gateway in batch mode.
  2. Process Transactions — This screen allows the System Admin to view the files created from the Batch Capture screen and process the payments for a given payment Gateway.


  1. The display of Batch Payments menu depends on the configuration of Batch processing and Batch Authorization for the merchant i.e., if the Batch Processing and Batch Authorization are disabled for the merchant then the Batch Payments menu doesn't get displayed in the navbar.
  2. For System Admin role users, only Process Transactions link will be visible under this menu.

By default Batch Processing is enabled and Batch Authorization is disabled.

If Batch Authorization is also enabled for the merchant then the Menu on the navbar displays as follows:

Batch Payments Menu

Updated As Of Version 6.0.0